Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why Liberals Love Democracy

Why is it that so many in the media, as well as so many of our elected officials, so enamored with the mis-identification of our Republic as a "Democracy"? This is a question which has been niggling at me for quite some time. It makes me wonder just what is actually being taught about our form of government in our high schools and college.
Now, Many of you will likely disagree with me and argue that I am simply splitting hairs here just for arguments sake. But I posit to you that their is a method to the liberals madness. The men who drafted the US Constitution were hyper aware of the dangers present in any type of "pure" democracy. We know that there were loud and vociferous arguments about the structure of a national government, and that there were some who even then had an affinity for "pure" democracy. Ultimately, the founders and the 13 states settled on a tri-partite system they termed a "Constitutional Republic".
Just about the only thing that even resembles a "democracy" in our system is that we hold free elections for our representatives (Senate, House, President). But instead of the public having a vote on every issue before them, our representatives are imbued with the authority to act on our behalf. This is where we diverge from a "pure" democracy.
A "pure" democracy has no checks and balances. Simply put, it is the equivalent of "Mob" rule. Whatever the majority of voters want, that's what happens. Let me provide you with an example of what happens when a "pure" democracy governs at it's extremes. A national referendum (or vote) is held on the issue of a mentally handicapped individuals value and benefit to society as a whole. The law before the voters is clear that as these individuals pose no palpable benefit to society as a whole, society has no obligation to provide support or assistance. 51% of the voters agree and a new law is enacted whereby those unable to meet certain mental standards are left without. You can extrapolate for yourselves the ultimate outcome of this vote. Is it an extreme example? It is, and yet one could see it written into the language of HR 3200.
The reason why the left in particular are so enamored with "Democracy" is due in large part to the thinking that they could could encourage the public to create their idea of a social utopia or a "pure" society. Now that sounds a lot like a certain individual by the name of Karl Marx does it not. Is there any doubt, when people (IE AL Gore in 1990) start clamoring to do away with the electoral college and elect our president based on the "popular" vote what the true agenda is.
Ultimately, complete loss of liberty and tyranny are the end results of "pure" democracy. It leaves a society crippled and unable to fend of the more aggressive powers and ultimately ends up broken up (see Athens, Greece). Beware America, when your politicians start yelling for a "More" democratic process.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Health Care Stepping Stone

Why the full court press on " Health Care" reform by the Obama administration and democrats in congress? What's the hurry? Why is there such obfuscation and disinformation on the primary bill in the US House of Representatives (HR. 3200)?

The reality for me on this issue is less about the details of a 1018 page bill that most house members have not read, but the seeming desire of this administration to push through a massive and costly government takeover of the health care industry. This take over is the cornerstone of this administration in their incremental march to take over the US Economy.

Lets be very clear about something. In order to achieve their vision of America, they need almost absolute control over the US Economy. Former president bush, unwittingly of not, handed to them the financial sector on a silver platter by signing the first bailout bill.

Take a look at the steps taken by this current administration just since February. The passage of the TARP program, which essentially gave the Treasury department control of the Financial sector of the US economy. This was followed by an almost complete takeover of the domestic auto industry wherein 2/3Rd's of of US automakers are now under the control of this administration either explicitly (GM) or implicitly (Chrysler).

When you add the health care industry in with the automotive and financial industries, you represent a large portion of US GDP that is either directly or indirectly controlled by this administration. This kind of makes the idea of a "Free Market" economy a joke.

Health care reform, if passed, paves the way for Congress and the President to re-introduce and pass "Cap and Trade" which is another way of defining a massive nationalization of the Energy sector of the US economy. This policy would put the administration in the position of being able to "Dictate" who in the manufacturing industry and produce and who gets penalized. The overall consequences on domestic manufacturing would be catastrophic both for the average consumer and the US Economy.

This administration and the democrats in congress see this as a necessity. Control, power, subjugation, consolidation of power. Health care reform passage makes the rest of their socialist agenda easier to be forced on the American public. The speed at which they are trying to move is indicative of their own understanding that the vast majority of Americans won't accept their version of this country and will show their displeasure at the ballot box in 2009/2010. My friends it is time to write your elected representatives NOW and urge in the strongest way possible that they defeat the passage of the Health Care bill as we currently know it.

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