Monday, August 24, 2009

The Democrats Incremental Plan

How do you implement a socialist power block, a far left socialist government, in a Constitutional Republic? How do you bypass the will of the people, violate their God given rights, take more and more rights away from the states and into some massive, bloated, overblown centralized government? The Answer, A Little Bit at a Time. Incrementally.

We are now seeing this very ideology, this method of governing, in its totality in Washington, DC. What, if anything, is amusing about this, is the Obama administration with it's attempts to reign in Congress back to the incremental stage. However, the hard left socialists in congress (Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Frank, Waxman), have all but told him NO, realizing that now is the time. Obama has made it clear that he understands he can not ram his socialist agenda down the public throat all at once.

Medicare, Social Security, Employer Withholding of Income Taxes, SCHIP, the "Stimulus" boondoggle, Cap and Tax, Card Check, Health Care Co-ops, Incremental steps. Oh, did you manage to catch the co-op one? That's right, health care co-ops to be exact. What exactly would a health care co-op be? How would it function? How is it a part of socialized medicine? Quite simply, it is just another way of dressing up a pig and calling it a bird of paradise. It would be Government funded, and with government funding comes government mandates. If passed in any sort of health care bill, it would be yet another incremental step towards a full government take over of the health care system in this country and Washington fully in control of another 1/6th of the US economy. Make no mistake, if we allow Washington to foist a bill on us with any parts of HR3200 in it, we will not be able to turn back the clock on it and they know it.

This is, in a sense , A seminal moment in our founding fathers experiment in representative government. Never in the history of the Democrat party have so many been willing to sacrifice their seats in congress to further their socialist agendas. Perhaps it is because their own hubris has blinded them to their constituents desires. Or, more likely, they believe that with the administrations ties to Acorn, they can turn double digit negatives into re-election in 2009/2010.

Whatever their reasons are, it is crystal clear that this administration and its far left allies in congress will try their best to push this country away from it's roots as a constitutional republic and towards a socialist democracy, with 1 party rule (theirs), and no dissent. A Little Bit At A Time.

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