Sunday, August 29, 2010

Whos Economy is it Anyway?

The time has come for Democrats and liberals alike to stand up and take credit for a tepid economy. This is not to say that Bush 43 is absolved from his bad decisions and poor economic policies. I don't absolve President Bush from signing the TARP bill nor failing to understand that more needed to be done on the spending side of things. However, in comparison, the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda has spent more, and been far more destructive in two short years than Bush in an 8 year stretch.

The facts are what they are, Tepid and anemic growth (average of 3.5% for last three quarters), massive unemployment (currently at 9.5% with an actual rate of approximately 14%), and massive deficit spending (2 trillion dollars in two short years), have put us at risk both now and in the future. Quite simply, this direction is economically unsustainable and has become, in the words of Adm Mike Mullen, a national security risk. The question is how much blame does the Obama adminsitrtion and Democrat majorities in congress bear for these numbers.

Quite simply, most of it. The policy initiatives coming out of the Obama white house have had a net negative effect on economic growth and job creation. Now, as the liberals in congress and the media like to espouse, something like two million jobs have been "created or saved" by their economic policies. The fact of the matter is that regardles of their use of a non proveable term "Jobs Saved", the private sector has been nleeding jobs at a rate unprecedented since the 1930's. Specifically, the "new claims" numbers weekly range from 425,000 to a recent high of 500,00. A conservative valuation of these numbers means that in the 18 months of the Obama administration, the private job creators have shed 7.65 million jobs. Any realist can see that this is not a positive economic direction. These job losses represent real Americans no longer paying taxes, which has the net effect of reducing incoming revenue at a time when spending has increased exponentially.

In their reticence to actually entertain ideas for private sector growth, this Adminstration has not "created or saved" anything. Anti private sector growth has stifled and will contiue to stifle any recovery we might actually have. Coupled with policies which have created massive unease whith those who create private sector jobs has created an environment in which these employers are sitting on 3 trillion dollars of capital, rather than expanding and hiring, and this my friends is where the rubber hits the road with the Obama administrattion.

The failure of the President to actually LEAD this country out of an economic morass is monumental. Leadership requires making togh decisions, real decisions, and backing them up. And when those decisions are innefective or actually have a negative effect, a real leader steps up, takes the blame, and tries something else. Yet President Obama seems unable to do this very thing. Blaming the minortiy party and a President long retired to his ranch in Texas is not leadership. It is childish and destructive to the country and the economy. It is time for Obame, Reid, Pelosi and others to step up and say, "this isn't working, it's time to entertain some different ideas." Unfortunately, teh lack of leadership from our Chief Executive will continue to cause economic doubt and tepid growth at a critical juncture of our history. President Obama, the economy is now yours...Cowboy up sir and take responsibility for your failed policies and decisions...President Bush can no longer help you.

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