The Firewall is holding...just is in danger of failure from the Obama Administration and the Pelosi/Reid congress' attempts to undermine the constitution via executive order and regulatory excess.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Rush Limbaugh, Valerie Plame, and the Mainstream Media
But wait a minute, CBS News attracts people like my in laws and my mother. People who are not tuned in to the "New Media", get their news from the mainstream outlets, (IE CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and CNN). Most of what they hear they believe is accurate and correct. Our parents and many older Americans are form a generation when the evening news was sacrosanct. People like Walter Cronkite were revered and trusted to deliver the news without bias. They are naturally attuned to believe what this new breed of reporters tells them. In many a discussion with my mother and others, I usually as them where they got their information and almost without fail, they tell me it was from one of the major news outlets. My point here is that Rush was allowed to present, without edit or rebuttal, the conservative point of view.
Now to the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame debacle. In any other world, anyone who had deliberately fabricated information in order to attempt a political coup on the executive branch, that person would have been prosecuted. Instead, we have a presidential aide who is attempting to fight back against charges leveled against him by a prosecutor who's investigation we now know was initiated based on complete fabrication by those who claim to have been harmed. If there was ever any doubt about liberal political methodology, this incident highlights it for what it is. In short, when you lack a cohesive ideology to rebut someone, simply attack them personally using whatever method you can. This is to the detriment of all those out there who might actually be harmed by this behaviour.
The mainstream media outlets are now and have been part and parcel to the Valerie Plame affair. They took the story, embellished and ran it until they thought they created public outcries for the removal of President Bush. Let their be no doubt that this was their ultimate goal. Perhaps they figured if they ran the polls down far enough, then President Bush would come around to their point of view. Unfortunately for them, Mr. Bush is a man of principle and stuck by his guns, underscoring the fact that he does not lead by focus groups and polls like his predecessor did. Now I am not a Bush Fan, I will say that up front, many of his policy decision sit wrong with me on a personal level. However, his two opponents would have us in a much worse situation than we are in now.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hezbollah's Provocation a Good Thing
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hello Again
Monday, April 24, 2006
More ramblings
Not only free to create, but free to reap the just rewards for their efforts. Instead of the socialist/altruist mantra, "from each according to his each according to his ned", advancement comes from those societies that practice the Axiom of Reason. "mutual exchange for mutual benefit". Free market capitalist principles can be a logical process. Supply and demand, both determining the price of goods and services. Prices dictated by the requirements of the consumers and the manufacturing capabilities of the supplier. A manufacturer should have the right to request a premium price for their products or services. A consumer has the right to determine what they are willing to pay for a given item.
This equation if left alone will inevitably lead to a point in which manufacturers and buyers meet in the middle. At no point in the transaction does anyone FORCE anyone to make or buy a product. The transactions take place from a position of mutual equality. Only when a collectivist ideology or government intrudes into the equation is force a factor. A government that determines at what price a good or service can be made or sold and equates to forced production at the point of a gun.
Not only free to create, but free to reap the just rewards for their efforts. Instead of the socialist/altruist mantra, "from each according to his each according to his ned", advancement comes from those societies that practice the Axiom of Reason. "mutual exchange for mutual benefit". Free market capitalist principles can be a logical process. Supply and demand, both determining the price of goods and services. Prices dictated by the requirements of the consumers and the manufacturing capabilities of the supplier. A manufacturer should have the right to request a premium price for their products or services. A consumer has the right to determine what they are willing to pay for a given item.
This equation if left alone will inevitably lead to a point in which manufacturers and buyers meet in the middle. At no point in the transaction does anyone FORCE anyone to make or buy a product. The transactions take place from a position of mutual equality. Only when a collectivist ideology or government intrudes into the equation is force a factor. A government that determines at what price a good or service can be made or sold and equates to forced production at the point of a gun.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Objective Thoughts
It is a flash of self awareness that ensures we do not forget our ultimate goal. What is it that mankind searches so desperately for? Perhaps it is often times the idea that homosapiens are unable to function rationally. That their search is one of feeling and emotion, subjective qualities that make an absolute answer impossible.
Reason must be our guide and logic our road-map. Humans are at the top of the foodchain, the ultimate predators. Reason dictates that we strive for the freedom to live our own lives unencumbered by the "feelings" generated by "social consiousness". Humans should strive to maximize our return without encroaching on anothers right to do the same. We should further try to free of a system which holds as its highest moral principle "From each according to his ability To each according to his need".
It is imperative that makind escape from the inconsistency in our own moral context. Our innate need to act from a point of logic which some try to balance with the cry that we must "feel from our hearts". Feel what ...and for whom. Reason demads that we act consistent with our nature. Emotion demads that we disregard our nature all together. Logic states that absolutes exist and are irrevocable. "Feeling" claims that all is subjective and unlear.
And yet, we often find ourselves leaving logic behind in the interest of convenience. Feeling is so much easier. It allows us to suspend our natural tendency towards ethical behaviour. It removes barriers inmposed by our "reasoning" mind, allowing us to act in a manner inconsistent with our normal rational behavior.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Abortion, The Supreme Court, and South Dakota
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Where Is The Outrage
Monday, February 06, 2006
The Dem's Just Don't Get IT
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Deity Discrimination
In all sincerity, I am disturbed more and more by the mainstream media's newfound religious deference and sensitivity to Islam. This is a marked departure form their norms when the cartoon or article is related to the Judeo-Christian religious beliefs. If my readers will reflect back a few years, you will recall that we were told that art exhibits (funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts), depicting a cross in a jar of urine, or a picture of Christ covered in manure, are merely expressions of free speech. Now, these same media outlets won't reprint a series of cartoons by a Dutch cartoonist that are merely a reflection of the outrage of islamist violence. Where, I ask you, is this artists right to free speech.
To make my point I present this quote from the artist himself. "I personally cannot help contrasting the reaction to these cartoons with the reaction to those that refer to Jesus and are apparently quite acceptable. In fact, in the latter case, it is apparently the Christians who need to get "with the program" not the cartoonist.". Personally, I have to wonder where the Mainstream media's sympathies lie. The NY Times has severely hampered our ability to surveil potential Islamist terrorist in our own country with their outing of the NSA program established by the Bush administration. They have repeatedly hammered on this administration with regard to it's purported legality (or illegality as they claim). They have repeatedly mis-characterized the program as "spying on innocent Americans". Even though they have not presented any evidence or individual who has actually claimed they were harmed by this program.
In short, our own mainstream media outlets are guilty, in my opinion, of aiding and abetting terrorism on behalf of the extreme leftist special interest groups. They denounce and decry Christians and their beliefs at the drop of a hat, yet they will not support the right of an artist to say what many of us think with regard to the radical islamist religions that practice terrorism.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
The Lefts REAL Purpose

Barring something truly unforeseen, Judge Samuel Alito will be confirmed as Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, strengthening its independence and perhaps slowing down it's slide towards activism.
But I have grave reservations with regard to the lines of questioning about Executive Power and the Unitary Executive Theory. If I had any doubt as to the lefts intention in asking it, Senators Schumer and Kennedy, no friends of the current administration, put those doubts to rest.
What is interesting, at least in part is the authorization granted by the legislative branch gave to the President which states as follows "IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons." This seems pretty clear to me that the President, if he does not have inherent authority, would have the authority under this resolution to use the measures that he thought necessary throughout the law enforcement and domestic intelligence apparatus for our protection.
I think it is important to show the contradictions in the assertions of those democrats who have been so critical. Recall that, following the release of the 9/11 commission report, the Democrats were actively charging President Bush with a failure to "connect the dots". Now with the FBI and NSA attempting (and succeeding) to do just that, they conflict their own argument , stating that President Bush somehow acted illegally. Some on the left side of the aisle are even whispering impeachment for abuse of executive power.
The mainstream media and the Democrats have somehow forgotten that it was during the Clinton administration that the public first learned of the existence and use of an NSA program called "ECHELON". Interestingly, the NY Times was strangely quiet about the use of this program during the Clinton years and even defended it's use as a necessary mechanism to protect us from terrorists. In fact, it was under reported but well documented that the program had in fact been used to eavesdrop on Americans, in many cases for no objective reason at all. Mind you this eavesdropping was done without any FISA warrants, and they were done to American citizens who's phone numbers did not show up in any Al-Qaeda cell phones.
My own conclusions on this matter are bound to upset some of you. The Democrats power in Washington has been so depleted by their loss of the Senate, The House, and The Presidency, and their hatred of George W. Bush is so visceral, that many of them just can't believe that he actually to steps and has heretofore prevented attacks from occurring on US soil. The Democrats are weak on Defense and National Security issues and failed to take action and arrest Bin-Laden while they were in power. They disregard and hold up as civil rights violations the actions taken to protect us to date, yet present no coherent plan of their own. They lambaste the President over a lack of a post regime change strategy in Iraq, but, once again, have offered no strategy or plan of their own other than the complete and total withdrawal of US troops. Essentially their strategy is to admit defeat.
In the end, the public supports the President doing what is necessary to protect them. A recent Fox News poll showed that 58% of respondents were favorable to the actions taken by the with regard to NSA eavesdropping on potential terrorist subjects. My sense of this is that it will ultimately blow up in the face of the Democrats just as their attacks on Judge Alito did.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Days 2 & 3: Food for Thought

In two days of questions and answers, the detractors of Judge Alito have failed, in my humble opinion, to cast any shadow on the nominee's ability to act in any other way than with independence and impartiality.
In light of their inability to disqualify this judge based on some practical and objective standard, they have resorted to their time tested practice of attacking character and ethics. Apparently the lessons from the Thomas confirmation went unlearned as some members of the committee almost went so far as to call Judge Alito a Racist and a Bigot. Yet a couple of others have all but accused him of being hostile to racial inequity, gender and disability discrimination.
At issue is the Judges membership in the Concerned Alumnus of Princeton or C.A.P. It seems to me to be an attempt to cast doubt on his ability to be fair and impartial in cases in which racial and gender minority's are before him as a judge. Such a great deal has been made of this C.A.P. issue that one can't help but wonder where it is the Democrats on congress are trying to go with this. Every individual involved with this group have held that Judge Alito was not involved in any substantive manner be it fund raising, donations, and/or authorship of documents.
So why is this important? It goes to the continuing processes taken by democratic operatives and their counterparts in the special interest groups to attack a nominee's character. We saw a great deal of it during the last two presidential elections and we continue to see it within the confines of the Senates confirmation hearings. Now some of you reading this may attempt to claim that the right has engaged in the same behavior. However, I would challenge anyone to proved evidence where unsupported and unfounded allegations have been made about the ethics or character of a nominee from a democratic president. Two justices were nominated by former President Clinton. Both were overwhelmingly confirmed by over 90% of the US Senate. No one that I can remember attempted to attack the integrity or character of Clinton's nominee's.
Associate Justice Ruth Ginsberg was a known liberal activist. A former head of the ACLU and the other of contentious documents advocating the federal funding of Abortions in some cases. This view was obviously antithetical to the beliefs of the republicans not only on the committee but to those in the Senate as well. Although the Republican members of the committee questioned Justice Ginsberg extensively and perhaps somewhat hostilely with regard to her stance on abortion and judicial activism, they did not attempt to sully her character or intimate in any way that she had acted in unethical manner. In fact, the Republican senators took her at her word and finally voted 96 to 4 to confirm her to the nations highest court.
Taking a look at the last 4 (or is it 5 lol) Republican nominations, it is obvious that Democrat senators do not ascribe to the same process. For example, Judge Robert Bork, who by many legal minds is arguably one of the sharpest legal minds ever to be nominated. Yet he was attacked as if by a bunch of rabid Pit Bulls. Additionally, Justice Clarence Thomas hearings were even more contentious. I don't think, in my limited experience, that I have ever seen a more vicious attempt at character assassination. Justice Thomas's record as a jurist and as the head of the EEOC was of such sterling quality that the liberal special interest groups knew they would be unable to disqualify him on the merits of his record.
Accordingly, these same groups were able to initiate a malicious attack on the Thomas's character and integrity. Using a former EEOC colleague, Justice Thomas was blatantly accused of sexual harassment. Those who knew the judge best were so stunned by the accusation that there was a considerable lag in their ability to organize in his defense. History and the passage of time have more than born out the Justices claims of innocence and he was eventually confirmed to the court.
The practices used then have never been more evident in the modern era than the Democrats and their special interest group cronies to attack Judge Alito's character and integrity. Unable to find fault with an unassailable record as a jurist, several Democrat Senators on the committee have latched on to this conservative group in a last ditch effort to give the appearance that Judge Alito has ideas which would be unpalatable to the American public. This tactic is likely to fail with Judge Alito. And although they won't recognize it, those pressing these accusations are likely to end up with egg on their faces.
Technorati Tags : Samuel, Alito, Ruth, Ginsberg, Clarence, Thomas, Robert, Bork, Anita, Hill
Monday, January 09, 2006
Day 1: What has happened to the process?

- Senator Diane Feinstein, D : She was quite adamant that in order for her to be able to vote for him he would need to explain why he dissented with a majority opinion establishing congresses right to thwart a states right in Intrastate commerce. Additionally, she claimed to be extremely worried by a 1984 document in which Judge Alito stated his belief that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. For obvious reasons that bothers her.
- Senator Chuck Schumer, D : Chuck was UPSET that the President had the temerity to nominate an individual that might be more conservative then the decidedly centrist Justice O'Connor. Senator Schumer also claims that he needs to know if the judge will uphold the presidents executive authority to act to protect the public during a time of war.
- Richard Durbin, D : The most accusatory of Judge Alito and his record. At one point all but calling the judge a racist based on a stance taken by the Judge at Princeton University against the school administrations decision to grant preferential treatment to those with gender and minority status.
This is but a small sample of some of the more vocal members that I heard. But I never cease to be amazed at their abilities to contradict themselves. In short, the two underlying things that reared their ugly heads were Abortion and Executive Power. It is obvious that the democrats can't stand being beat by President Bush at every turn so they are using this opportunity in an attempt to get back at the executive.
Tomorrow, the real circus begins. Some of the panel will actually have substantive and probative questions. But those aligned with the Kennedy/Schumer side of the aisle are likely to begin their pompous grand standing yet again and I will be there to watch it all. Till then...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Who's Fault Is It Anyway?
Whom do we hold accountable?
Is it Mr. Hatfield, President and CEO of ICG, the mining concern that owns the Sago Mine in West Virginia. Is it the regulatory agencies for not ordering the mines production shut down? Or do we just chalk it up to an unmitigated disaster caused by mother nature?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Human Life...Or Scapegoating

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