We have recently seen days of violent and even deadly protests which stem from a silly cartoon series printed in a Danish newspaper.
I have heard plenty of concerns voiced by those on the right side of the aisle and the President today stepped to the front of this issue decrying the loss of life and property because of these cartoons. I have yet to hear, and perhaps I've just missed it, anything from the left in this country. Accordingly, much can and should be inferred from their silence.
I'm not going to point fingers and call anyone un-American. And yet, as I have said before, what is the left's true purpose. We have senator Patrick "Leaky" Leahy demanding of the Attorney General that he provide them, in open session, with the identities of those being monitored under the NSA program authorized by President Bush. Both Mr. Leahy and the distinguished Senator from NY, Chuck Schumer, are making every effort to stop or make ineffective, this very important and vital intelligence gathering tool. This, added to their reticence and in some cases outright rejection of the Patriot Act, creates with me at least some cause for concern.
I have heard and read some go so far as to accuse the left of treason. I don;t believe they are that forward thinking. In fact, I believe that their motives, underscored by their silence on the cartoon issue, are far more narcissistic and introverted. The left knows, as do most of us, that the War in Iraq and the NSA program when combined with the Patriot Act, have managed to prevent of deter another terrorist attack on US soil.
Add to this their inability to get any real traction on their domestic agenda and the continuing improvement of the US economy, they have no other real grounds to attack on. Their very political livelihood could well depend on this fight.
So, even in the absence of any objective proof, and in spite of the average Americans views on this subject, the left has staked out, many of them their very political careers, on this current avenue of attack. And this requires them to stay fairly quiet about the cartoons issue despite the fertile grounds for blaming the Bush White house for the unrest. Lets face it, the left have presented no plan or ideology of their own to correct what they are crying is wrong. They are to busy politicking to actually have a plan.
And so, while I do not think we can accuse them of treason, they are in fact being what they have always been. Blind to facts and truly out of touch with the American mainstream.
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