I can hear it now, people reading this and screaming "What is this Idiot Thinking?" Hear me out
First, from a loss of life standpoint, it is an absolute horror. Hezbollah terrorists, backed by Syrian and Iranian training, money, intelligence and military hardware, violated Israeli territory and kidnapped Israeli soldiers. When Israel sought the return of it's military personnel, Hezbollah began firing rockets into the homes and business of Innocent Israeli citizens. These munitions were, and currently still are fired from positions surrounded by, and sometimes, right within the confines of innocent Lebanese citizens. In addition, these terrorists have and continue to use the UN Forces in the area as shields for firing these missles. Consequently, when Israel retaliated, many innocents including 4 UN peace keepers lost their lives.
Now, to the point of my tagline. The provocation by Hezbollah and it's subsequent actions has showed in the clearest possible way, exactly what the politics of mollification and appeasement result in. It also, once again, has shown how completely inept the United Nations continue to be. Last, but certainly not least, it once again exposes the left in this country for what it really is. That is a bunch of whining, sniveling, mollycoddling socialists who are not acting in the best interests of liberty or the United States.
Almost immediately, the left-leaning mainstream media outlets bgan their campaigns to portray Hezbollah as a political group that serves to provide social services to the large numbers of poor throughout the Middle East. All the while trying their best to paint Israel as the agressor or instigator of the attacks. Short of the few months immediately following 9-11, the left has consistently tried to portray the murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah as disenfranchised palestinian muslims. What is almost never mentioned is that these groups use their social service arms to recruit impressionable young men and women with their particular brand of hatred. This recruiting is done with the singular purpose of pressing their radical islamo-fascist agenda on all those who do not subscribe to their beliefs. Their particular haterd of Israel and the US and it is directly related to our belief in Liberty and Religious Freedom.
Recruiting, warfighting, and social services require money, LOTS of it. Before the start of this recent round of provocations, Few were willing to investigate and report on where this money was coming from. Hezbollah's attacks brought to the front and center the sources of this terror funding, Namely, Iran and Syria. Syria, which by many accounts was the willing recipient of Iraqi WMDS just prior to the effort to rid that country of a despotic dictator. Iran, who's publicly stated goal is the destruction of Israel and it's western ally the US, has openly supported Hezbollah and Hamas with money, intelligence, and munitions and military training.
At the end of the day, the provocations by Hezbollah have shown to the world the true face of religious fanatacism along with the complete ineptitude of the UN and it's so called "peace-keeping" forces.
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