Now, Many of you will likely disagree with me and argue that I am simply splitting hairs here just for arguments sake. But I posit to you that their is a method to the liberals madness. The men who drafted the US Constitution were hyper aware of the dangers present in any type of "pure" democracy. We know that there were loud and vociferous arguments about the structure of a national government, and that there were some who even then had an affinity for "pure" democracy. Ultimately, the founders and the 13 states settled on a tri-partite system they termed a "Constitutional Republic".
Just about the only thing that even resembles a "democracy" in our system is that we hold free elections for our representatives (Senate, House, President). But instead of the public having a vote on every issue before them, our representatives are imbued with the authority to act on our behalf. This is where we diverge from a "pure" democracy.
A "pure" democracy has no checks and balances. Simply put, it is the equivalent of "Mob" rule. Whatever the majority of voters want, that's what happens. Let me provide you with an example of what happens when a "pure" democracy governs at it's extremes. A national referendum (or vote) is held on the issue of a mentally handicapped individuals value and benefit to society as a whole. The law before the voters is clear that as these individuals pose no palpable benefit to society as a whole, society has no obligation to provide support or assistance. 51% of the voters agree and a new law is enacted whereby those unable to meet certain mental standards are left without. You can extrapolate for yourselves the ultimate outcome of this vote. Is it an extreme example? It is, and yet one could see it written into the language of HR 3200.
The reason why the left in particular are so enamored with "Democracy" is due in large part to the thinking that they could could encourage the public to create their idea of a social utopia or a "pure" society. Now that sounds a lot like a certain individual by the name of Karl Marx does it not. Is there any doubt, when people (IE AL Gore in 1990) start clamoring to do away with the electoral college and elect our president based on the "popular" vote what the true agenda is.
Ultimately, complete loss of liberty and tyranny are the end results of "pure" democracy. It leaves a society crippled and unable to fend of the more aggressive powers and ultimately ends up broken up (see Athens, Greece). Beware America, when your politicians start yelling for a "More" democratic process.