Freedom Isn't Free

It comes at a cost usually measured in human lives. Human beings strive to be free. Freedom and liberty was the beacon on which our forefathers were guided to create this nation. The results are truly amazing. In the 229 years of this country's formal declaration of freedom, we have become the most prosperous and most dynamic country on the face of this planet. Our system is the envy of the world.
Some, within the borders of this great country would have you believe that our country and our form of government is the cause of the worlds problems. These are the same people who hate the fact that the American worker fights to retain his hard earned gains. In spite of every governmental attempt to strip Americans of their wages for those deemed by the elitist to be "More in NEED", Americans vote their pocket books...EVERY TIME.
This is something the elitist can't get their pointy little heads around. It is not that the average American Citizen LIKES to see a fellow countryman go hungry. On the contrary, In times of national crises the goodwill of the American populace is unparalleled. Even catastrophic events outside our national borders bring an outpouring of aid from our citizens. The Malaysian Tsunami, The Afghani earthquakes, Hurricane Katrina. Americans gave of their own hard earned funds of their own free will. Not out of guilt or altruism, but because freedom creates individuals with the ideology that in times of crises we do what needs to be done.
No my friends...Freedom isn't free, as the Iraqi people are finding out...But is't end product is the most amazing thing I know...America the land of the FREE...And we pay every day to keep that which is so hard won.
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