Tax: "A compulsory contribution levied upon persons, property, or businesses for the support of government" (Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary)
During his weekend media blitz, President Obama blatantly denied while talking to former Clinton staffer George Stephanopolous that a "fine" on an individual for a failure to obtain, at their own expense, compulsory (mandatory) health insurance coverage is a tax. Is this the Obama version of word definition? Is this the liberals new "is"? Is Obama trying to redefine words to help his troubled agenda?
Obama has some shelter on the tax issue. His "plan" might not raise taxes on all Americans mostly because the White House does not actually have, well, a "plan". That leaves us to revert to one of two plans currently in congress. The House plan, HR3200 is practically toxic waste and has all but been abandoned. That leaves us with the "plan" recently announced, with very little senate support, by Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D, Iowa). It is laughingly named, "America's Healthy Futures Act of 2009", and is rife with things actually called "taxes", that would negatively affect the personal economics of the vast majority of the American public.
Foremost in the "plan" is a plan which states the following, "The consequence for not maintaining insurance would be an excise tax." Now by my definition, and the definition of this bill, the penalty to be paid for failing to obtain "compulsory" coverage is an excise TAX. President Obama can call it whatever he wants but at least Senator Baucus was honest in calling it what it is. It is a tax which will be paid by all uninsured Americans who are not covered by health insurance at the time the law goes into affect. On a percentage basis the poor, and the middle class would bear a disproportionate part of the burden for Universal Coverage.
At the end of the day, any levy enacted by a government, regardless of the Presidents idea of semantics, is a TAX! That the taxes would be regressive and a disincentive to insurance companies and individuals alike is without question. Can we afford to allow our government to pass any legislation, forcing a free American citizen to do something against their will again? To belabor a tired point yet again, The copy I have of the US Constitution does not include any statements allocating Health Insurance as a right of the people. Does yours?
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