Has it struck anyone as odd how quickly after Christine O'Donnell's victory the media and the left started using the term "Civil War"?
What I find interesting, to say the least, is the inability of the current administration and the left to condemn America's enemies throughout the world, while at the same time using very warlike language while talking about US Citizens, political opponents, and whomever else disagrees with socialist utopianist policies. For example, Our president won't call the Middle Eastern insurgencies by Al Qaeda and Iran as Terrorist Activity. Yet, when the white hose was talking about the Tea Parties, BP, Wall Street Bankers, and the latest towards Christine O'Donnell and the Republican Party. We can't call Iran's actions for the blatant warlike actions they are, but we can use words like Racist, "Kicking Butts", "Stepping on Necks", and "Civil War." Does anyone see a problem with this.
We have reached a pivotal moment in our Unique American history.These moments may appear once a generation, and this one is ours. It is our time to determine the fate of our country. We let the left and the press create and environment of division and distrust, and the result was the election of one of the most ideological presidents in recent history. The numbers are coming in. Obama/Pelosi/Reid have pressed a socialist agenda on the American public, and by large margins, the public does not like it. The Presidents personal poll numbers have reflected the dislike for the change he is delivering. Not even Bill Clinton, who was a polarizing character, engendered the formation of a grass roots nationwide movement to send a message to the halls of power that they work for us, we hired them...and we can fire them.
Is there a problem in the Republican party? Perhaps, the reality is that the Tea Party is saying, "We Don't Care" about party. We are American citizens that understand the type of candidate that we want and can believe in regardless of party politics. That these candidates so far seem to be running on a Republican ticket shows nothing more than the Tea Parties penchant for conservative thinking and the principles espoused by our founders in the Constitution. Americans are tired of politicians whose only real purpose after election is re-election. We hire them to do the work of the public, and pay them handsomely to do so. Yet we continue to have unemployment at 9.6%, flat wages, and creeping inflation. We have a government that has appropriated 2 trillion dollars and the only economic activity they have generated is payoffs to unions and the purchase of a car company and the threat to takeover banks that needed money to cover loans they were pressured by congress to make...all while the real culprits, congress and Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, get away free.
If you are a Tea Party member, and you understand the fight we are in against the socialists/Marxists on the left, Then you will support, financially and with your voice, those candidates who now have an opportunity to create a paradigm shift in Washington, DC. Otherwise, we get more of the same...and that has proven disastrous so far.
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