Post election, many of you are asking yourself, "What does all this really mean?". You have seen or heard the results, listened to the pundit's,heard the spin...and like many of us, you still don't know what to think. The truth of the matter is that the meanings are not so complicated as some would have us believe. A message was sent by the American Voter that enough is enough, Stand up, Stand on your principles, and fix this damn problem.
What provided me with an epiphany last night was the reactions of the winners, of both parties. By and large, the conservative winners seemed to have an understanding that they were being sent to Washington to stand on conservative, free market, capitalist principles and fix our economic mess. The liberal winners on the other hand, just couldn't believe that all their cronies they had counted on for cover were being replaced by "extremists" who apparently lied and cheated to get elected.
This message was simple and clear. There is no more time for progressive Utopian ideology left. We have tried it, over and over and over since the great depression and every time it has failed to produce the panacea that liberals the world over say it will. It has never worked, wherever it has been tried. Europe is a mess of debt related to social welfare issues and the steps necessary to fix it are going to come at a cost to the citizens of those nations. Likewise, America is going to have to make some hard choices and hard decisions about where to cut, and how much. The election last night seemed to me to be a clear mandate that the time for pie in the sky spending programs has to come to an end.
Another result of the elections was the death (almost) of the moderate in either party. This was the American public letting their elected representatives know that we expect them to stand on the principles they won our votes with, regardless of ideology. We want Liberals who stand on Liberal principles and Conservatives who stand on theirs. No more of this mealy mouth bs about consensus and compromise. In a sense this election cycle was about cleansing the parties, and when all was said and done, the Conservative message was loud and clear.
CUT sacred cows here...across the board cuts must happen. Reduce or eliminate unfunded mandates that are killing our ability to be competitive on the national level. Pass policies and legislation that free up our economic engine once again to begin the process of creating wealth and prosperity for all Americans that choose to accept the challenge. Many of the members elect understand that we can not continue on this path and the need and desire is there to turn it around.
So the meaning is clear to establishment politicians and new politicians alike, we will exert our will, and we will hold you accountable. So step up to the plate, take your swings, and lets see where this takes us.
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