I was willing to give this self serving, self centered, self aggrandizing president the benefit of the doubt. That must be the compassion that my liberal friends say I don't possess. However, after today's obvious political grandstand in NYC, I have to say...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Barack.
You see sir, We the People are wise to your political shenanigans. That is why so many want to see the picture of OBL dead. It is time for you to get your liberal heads together in DC and get your stories straight. You see Mr. President, a true leader leaves no doubt about his goals, his vision, and what the results of his actions are. We Killed bin Laden, more to the point, the US Navy Seals and CIA Operatives killed bin Laden. Yes sir you get the credit for making the call, and you also have to deal with your base about that same call.
Leadership is saying to your people, your organization that I made this call, it was the right call, and if you don't like it, get off my bus. Don't fudge around trying to find a story that is palatable to your base. If the sycophants that propel you through life don't understand what was done than apparently there is a recently vacated compound in Abbadabad Pakistan for sale....CHEAP.
At some point Mr. Obama, people will begin to tire of the facade. People will begin to see through the veneer that you have so carefully applied in order to be president. In fact, a large portion of the people that helped get you elected have seen through the lies and deception and are leaving you in droves, and no amount of terrorist killings or military success will change that. Sir your lack of real leadership has this country smoldering in a prolonged recession with housing prices lower now than in 2008, wages are stagnate while prices for food and gas are at all time highs, and unemployment once again headed in the wrong direction. These are direct results of your leftist social justice policies and inability to understand even basic economics.
Lastly sir, your foreign policy, wherever you have applied your own brand, is an absolute shambles. You have provided no clear message or leadership in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, or North Korea. America is supposed to be the beacon of freedom and liberty, and your policies have shown her to be a weak and flickering flame of despair. The only real successes you have had in the foreign policy arena are when you applied the tried and true method of peace through strength, as with the surge in Afghanistan and the death of Osama bin Laden.
Sir, We the People are wise to you. We know all to well the road your policies are taking us, and we do not like the direction. I look forward to the fields of debate in this next election cycle and truly hope that a candidate arises who will not fail to challenge you on the basis of your ideology and lack of leadership.
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