The Following is a multi-part series of articles examining the current crop of political candidates.
Let me begin this article by stating right up front that I am partisan conservative. I am not a fan of the Clinton's or liberal democrat ideology. In fact, my very partisan conservative values are diametrically opposed to those espoused by the the aforementioned democrat party.
Conservatives and the Republican candidates are salivating at the opportunity to campaign against Hillary Clinton. Throughout most of the country, Hillary Rodham Clinton has a well established credibility problem. Combine that with both past and current campaign finance irregularities, and her own ideology and, well, she is a liberal disaster in the making.
The first inkling of Mrs. Clinton's attraction to far left ideology begins with her fascination with 60's leftist activist Saul Alinsky. Something was attractive to her in Alinsky's belief in change at any cost and by any means. Perhaps this is where we begin to see the "end justifies the means" ideology begin to take hold with Mrs. Clinton.
Our next snapshot of the emergence of the future senator's ideology came during the Watergate investigations of President Nixon. According to former General Counsel and Chief of Staff of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Ziefman, Hillary Clinton, against the direction of the Judiciary Committee, redrafted the rules to which had been used in the prior impeachment proceedings against Supreme Court Justice Douglas. Accordingly, Mrs. Clinton then advocated that President Nixon be denied representation by counsel, a due process right guaranteed by the constitution. She also removed from public view, the files of Justice Douglas's impeachment.
Fast forward to her White House days as first lady and the Whitewater/Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan scandal. Some eerily similar things begin to happen here. Files and records related to the investigation went missing. Blatant lying to federal investigators to impede a federal investigation, blatant disregard for and character assassination of the principle investigators involved. Amazingly enough, during the House Impeachment proceedings, Mrs. Clinton completely reversed herself by not only should her husband be allowed counsel but that he should be able to use White House counsel at taxpayers expense. Here is where we begin to truly get a glimpse of a character for which Political Expediency" becomes a watchword.
At present, we are presented with a far more polished, but even more dangerous persona. Mrs. Clinton is no friend of the Republic. Most recently advocating in some of her campaign speeches, the removal of the electoral college in selecting our president. Her stated health care proposals are fr ought with the vestiges of socialized medicine originally brought to light in the infamous Hillary Care scandal. Mrs. Clinton is a staunch advocate of Abortion of Demand and at tax payer expense. She has advocated both in public and private that she would raise taxes across the board.
Last, but certainly not least, and perhaps most disturbing, are the new allegations being made of campaign finance irregularities dealing with yet more Chinese immigrants. This is all shades of Norman Hsu and the Riadi scandal. Quite frankly, we can not afford Mrs. Clinton as US President. I for one could never vote for someone whose ideology is so far left and so subject to situational ethics.
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