Friday, August 14, 2009

A Sleeping Giant

Ladies and Gentlemen, to use the lie of a fellow "Politcal Terrorist", "A Sleeping Giant has been awakened". I have not blogged in some almost a year. The whole media controlled election left me disillusioned and weary. HR3200 was the last straw for me.

With federal spending having quadrupled in the last seven months creating a deficit that broached the Trillion dollar mark for the first time in our history. Federal Tax revenues dropping like Granite in a quarry. Tarp funds just plain missing. An 800 billion dollar stimulus package of which only 10% has been spent. An unemployment rate at almost 10% (9.4% if you believe the White House). We have elected representatives trying to force a bill that conservative estimates show would cost at least 1 trillion dollars. Quite frankly, our economy simply can not bear it.

HR 3200, the house version of the health care proposal is downright draconian it both its scope and it's intent. If one FULLY reads this bill (all 1018 pages) it becomes clear that the ultimate goal is a single payer system with that payer being the federal government. (ie: socialized medicine) It creates a position, appointed by the president, to set the guidelines by which private insurers must operate. Now if I was going to set up a system, and didn't want to really have to compete, I would fix the game so that competition in the private sector can't happen. The bill also would place either a one time fine ($750?) or an 8% tax on healthcare premiums paid said tax to be paid by the employer. Now I don't know about you, but if I was an employer I would cancel my employees insurance and push them off on the Public plan while only having to pay a one time fine.

Now, when you add in all the people "Forced" into the public option by this portion of the bill, the cost could very well exceed the ability of the government to cover it without drastic measures. Into that you would have to agree that rationed care and reduced access to care would be exigent to stave off collapse of the system. Doctors would no longer be able to make the necessary decisions for their patients unless approved by a beaureaucrat. Patients would wait in line for even basic services. Doctors, who find the their ability to earn back the cost of their educations due to mandated cost restraints would find another line of work or leave here for locations where fee for service still abound (is there anywhere left?)

When you start doing the math, fewer doctors, less and less private insurance coverage. That means more people using resources which would continue to dwindle. Ultimately, people would begin to expire due to a lack of available treatment options. Since the Beaureaucrats in washington would be immune to medical malpractice and likely not subject to wrongful death litigation, how would a family in the above situation redress their frievance. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg looming in front of the Obama Titanic. End Of Life review boards, a mandatory provision (that means no option NOT to do) in HR 3200 would require (not request) senior citizens to obtain counseling as they approach the twilight of their lives. It is easy to see how this would be forced on those with special needs or limited abilities.

Let me leave you all with a little scenario. You are at your elderly parents home. An accident occures where you or you parent is seriously injured and a 911 call is made. The local law enforcement officer shows up on the scene and begins his inquiry with " I need to see your identification and Health Insurance card". "I don't have insurance" is your response, "didn't think I would need it". "I'm sorry the officer says, I am going to have to cite you for being in violation of federal law requiring you to have health insurance."

Is this the direction we wish to go in this country?

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