It seems only fitting that, as we begin a new year, we should look forward the those things that can be done to restore America to it's former greatness. Yes I did say restore and former in the same breath as America. There is no question that this great country is but a shadow of it's former self economically. To be fair, the process has taken some time and not all the blame can be laid at the feet of the Democrat Party or President Obama. However, contrary to popular opinion, the pace of decline accelerated when the Democrats took control of congress in 2006, and then again in 2008 after the Obama administration took office and started implementing their Eurocentric agenda. To reverse this trend, Americans need to insist at least these three resolutions from our new congress.
1.) Re-Value our Currency: The argument commonly used by Liberals and Conservatives alike is that a weak dollar reduces the cost of exports. The hole in that argument, however, is an admission that the American labor force has become to costly to openly compete in the global marketplace. If the cost of production in the US is so high, it should not be hidden by reducing the value and strength of our currency.
2.) STOP THE SPENDING: I can hear some of you now, saying, "this should be our number one resolution!". In most cases I would actually agree with you. However, strengtheing the Dollar would alleviate some of the pressure that our mounting debt is causing. Having said that, the reality is that our Federal Government can not continue to spend money like they have it. The bottom line is that the coming presure from our debt service could and likely will put too much pressure on an already fragile economy.
3.) Reduce Regulatory Excess: American Business is some of the most heavily regulated in the free world. Compliance with these repressive regulations cost American businesses and taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The cost of administering these regulations puts a sever drag on our federal budget. These dollars could be better spent on growing companies, which in turn create employment and greater personal wealth.
Holding true to these resolutions would go a long way towards recuving the crushing pressure on our economy, allowing it to catch it's breath and flex it's muscles. Sure, there are other issues, tac reform, repealment of Obamacare, reducing entitlement spending, and eliminating or reducing unfunded mandates. However, if we can perform these three resolutions, we will find the rest of these things will come much easier, and we will see the most dynamic economy in earths history come roaring back.
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