Yesterday, in Tucson, Arizona, a very disturbed and apparently dangerous individual took it upon himself to take the lives of several people, and severely wound an injure several more including Democrat Congresswoman Gifford's. Within moments, the leftists in the media and in the halls of government were out spinning this senseless tragedy as a byproduct of the conservative movement and the Tea Party. Seriously, this was an old argument a year ago.
The reality of this young man is far different from what those in the left leaning media would have you believe. Mr. Loughner has apparently been linked to documents such as Mien Kampf, and the Communist Manifesto. It has been reported that he names some of his heroes to be people such as Hugo Chavez, newly minted Dictator in Venezuela, Che Guevara, Terrorist and mass murderer, Saul Alinsky, the Weather Underground Bomber and author of the lefts bible, "Rules for Radicals", and even President Barack Obama. Now, I know a lot of conservatives and tea party members. One thing we all have in common is that those are not people we would ever consider as heroes or even relevant. So it begs the question, what was Mr. Loughner's point?
If one follows the logic of his action, from his rants to his peers testimonies as to his character, one has to believe that in reality, Mr. Loughner was NOT a person pressured by so called "right wing" hate, but was in fact a believer in the very principles that the left biased media espouses. As is so often the case with these types, when push comes to shove...they begin eating their own.
As a Conservative, a capitalist, and a believer in the sanctity and validity of the US Constitution, it would never even enter my mind to act is such a manner as did Mr. Loughner. Regardless of my deep and abiding disagreement with Liberal Socialist Policies, I want to have the debate and let the people make up their minds. Violence, towards anyone, is unacceptable and reprehensible. Mr. Loughner had no right to take away the lives of those who fell yesterday. There is and should never be an out for people such as Loughner. At the end of the day, it will serve us well to remember a couple of things. The firearm was not responsible for this tragedy. The Tea Party and it's new found idea of people discourse is not responsible for this young mans idiocy. The left is not responsible for what this man did. Jared Loughner bears the full responsibility for his actions on that fateful day. He must be held accountable for the injuries and death and destruction that he caused. At no time, should we be trying to pin his actions on political rivals or use his actions to further stifle dissent in our political speech. And yet, this is exactly what the left means to do...more to follow.
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